foursquare: New

Compendium of Badges Ever wonder how your buddy got that really cool badge? This site tells all!

I follow new brands as soon as they're available to maximize my chances of unlocking a new badge, so the majority of my friends are brands. Recently, brands like the IFC (Independent Film Channel) and The Huffington Post have been adding content in the form of a dialogue box based on the location of your latest check in "to see the world through the lenses of my favorite organizations." It was cool to read the info at first, but after getting the same info over and over I'd opt for a mute...

Following brands are a great way to unlock exclusive badges and find out helpful tips. Today, The Huffington Post joins foursquare. They are planning a new kind of local news reporting: venue tips with news stories from huffingtonpost. Follow them on foursquare!

Co founders are interviewed!

New to foursquare? Get the 411!

BFF Badge? For Real? According to the Compendium of Badges link, 10 checkins with the same person gets you a BFF badge. Then there's a note underneath the description of the badge that says that this badge was never actually activated....then why would it be listed?!

Twitter did it, facebook did it.....